Learn what NSA (Network Care) can do for YOU!

"Network care has a direct effect on client self-reported wellness which is twice that expected from healthy lifestyle practices (exercise, risk avoidance, optimal food choices). Network also has a major indirect effect on wellness by promoting healthy lifestyle choices."

R.H Blanks, Ph.D.
Dept. of Anatomy & Neurobiology
University of California, Irvine

Health is not the absence of symptoms; rather it is the ability of the body to relate and react to its environment. Research tells us disease processes occur when our elaborate network of internal communication processes do not work as they were intended. Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) awakens and amplifies these communication processes and allows the body to heal at a higher level. Join us as we present the philosophy and practical application of this exciting new healing discipline. We will break down some common myths and answer some important questions, like:

Come see an actual Network treatment–you will be amazed at what you see and hear! The talk is free, but space is limited, so please call to register.

What is Network Care?

Network Care is a gentle and non-invasive approach to wellness that utilizes Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), a technique in which NSA practitioners apply light pressure to specific places along the spine. The intent of NSA is to enable the body's own self-generated mechanisms of movement and respiration to assist in the correction of mechanical tension and interference to the nervous system. With the help of Network Care, the body naturally develops strategies for dissipating stored tension and energy, thus enhancing the body’s natural ability to self-heal.

Why Do People Receive Network Care?

What Does Research Tell Us About Network Care?

Studies currently in progress are attempting to better understand the mechanisms underlying the apparent effectiveness of NSA. Researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines are involved in studying the benefits and mechanisms of NSA. Research completed in 2000 through the University of California, Irvine College of Medicine studied NSA patients’ “self-reported” changes through Network Care. The changes reported by the patients span the largest range of health and wellness domains for a non-medical approach. Even more exciting is that this study indicates improvements in all areas surveyed. Strikingly, 76% of the 2,818 patient self-reported retrospective assessments show statistically significant improvement in their Physical, Emotional, Stress, and Life Enjoyment categories of health and wellness as well as their overall quality of life. Even in patients in care for more than 3 years, there appeared to be no ceiling to improvement.

Other findings from this study showed that:

What is the Focus of Network Care?

The focus of Network Spinal Analysis is to: